What We Do


…that ten years ago you were running an interior design consultancy that specialized in luxury residences and hospitality projects. 

One day, you select some team members who you know to be passionate about lighting and say to them, “OK guys  [for that is how people spoke back then], here is a million pounds. From now on, you will do nothing but specify, buy and sell fine decorative lighting. You will go to all the key trade fairs and you will visit the suppliers, so that you get to know them, and their collections, really well. 

“By opening showrooms, you will get intimate, literally hands-on experience of with the widest variety of the finest European branded lighting. 

“By working with interior designers all day every day, you will understand what causes difficulties and confusion, You will help them find the luminaires that suit their project, timescale and budget, and you can further prevent things going wrong by also managing the process of purchasing and delivering.

“Ultimately, you will be recognized as the world’s leading experts in the field (because no-one else will have had the opportunity that I am giving you), so you will be asked to lecture on lighting, work with authors of books and articles about lighting, and be consulted by the industry on trends, the market and best practice.” 

Reader, we are that team. Cameron Peters Fine Lighting is the world's only consultancy dedicated to supporting interior and lighting designers when they are specifying top quality decorative lighting. 

We save them massive amounts of time (and therefore money) and, at every step, prevent things going wrong (thus protecting their relationship with their client). The manufacturer benefits from the same advantages, and knows that projects will be professionally handled by dedicated contract decorative lighting specialists, reducing pressure on their export departments.  

Oh, and we don’t cost you a million pounds – we are free! You pay no more for lights bought through us.


We know the lights: not just what exists, but which are currently available, on what lead times, and at what prices. We advise on what is appropriate to specific environments. We cut through the complexity of modern lighting, eliminating any design that might be inappropriate (size, finish, lamp, dimming….), promptly providing answers to the specifier’s questions.  

We know the manufacturers: who delivers exactly what has been ordered; on time; not broken; meeting local legal requirements; and who responds well when there is an after-sales issue….

On the web site there is the LIGHT FINDER where you can browse through thousands of lights from about 60 suppliers, at any time of the day or night – before you even talk to us! (Note that this is not a complete list of who we work with: it is restricted to brands on Architonic, which powers these pages for us.) 


Once the lights have been selected, we then ensure that they are purchased as economically and as efficiently as possible. 

We offer:

•    convenience: one supplier, one invoice, one delivery
•    quality Control: normally the lights are delivered to us first so that we can check them over and deal with any problems before they arrive on site or are shipped abroad
•    price: it should never be more expensive to buy from us (if it were, we'd have no business). Sometimes we are cheaper. 

All these attributes are of particular value to purchasing agents. We work with more suppliers than anybody else (including small anonymous specialist factories to which larger brands subcontract), so we offer the convenience of multibrand sourcing. We can go to whoever is appropriate for a custom light or installation.


We particularly specialize in:

•    contemporary decorative lighting, from industry-leading suppliers, start-ups and artists
•    contemporary Murano and Venetian glass chandeliers and lights
•    customized installations for large, prestigious spaces. 


We are now harnessing our knowledge of the industry, and of the market, to introduce our own lighting collections. 

We will be going further to support Oscar Wilde’s dictum: “do not use anything which you do not know to be a pleasure to yourself, and which you do not believe was a pleasure to the workman who made it.” 

Our plan is therefore not only to create beautiful, life-enhancing objects, but also to work with really special artists, designers and craftspeople. 

We want to increase the market for crafts that are in danger of being lost. So, for example, our first collections will include some Murano glass, partly because of the extreme beauty of what the glass masters there can make, but also because, since the economic crisis of 2008, there has been a serious decline in demand for what they make.